I’ve played Hosea, by Gregory Norbert, for many years, but never wrote out an arrangement. It is a wonderful hymn and us useful at times throughout the year, not just for Lent.
Just in time for Father's Day. This is a pretty easy arrangement in keys C and D major. I found that this piece was pretty easy last year, but I didn't get it arranged in time for the holiday.
This may just be the most gentle piece I have ever arranged. I usually select more energetic music for Mass and have avoided this song in the past because it is so slow.
I just learned that OCP has revised their contract options for little operations like mine. Originally, there was no limit to the number of hymn arrangements I could sell online.
I just added an old video to the Videos page. Ten years ago, before I retired from teaching Spanish at my parish school, I taught a beginning guitar class after school.
O Sacrament Most Holy is my latest free addition to the Liturgical Guitarist Hymnal (LGH). The arrangement in the keys G and C, is played all in the 1st position.