Major Milestone Met
I just added sheet music for You Alone, Servant Song and God Has Chosen Me to the Liturgical Guitarist Hymnal (LGH). Since these hymns are all under copyright, I must charge for them since I pay a royalty to OCP for each copy sold. Each hymn also has a tutorial video on YouTube. I'm pretty sure that this brings the total number of hymns in the LGH up to 100 (89 free and 11 for sale). Cause for celebration - I may have a Guinness tonight.
I had to put aside working on hymn arrangements in April and May because I was called back to work teaching Spanish after a teacher quit mid year. Now, I am re-retired. Monday, we head for Ireland to meet some of my new found family thanks to Ancestry DNA. I'll enjoy a real Guinness there - probably more than one. When we get home from Ireland, I should have time to work on adding more arrangements to the LGH.
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